Thursday, 7 March 2013

Yes can be Harmful!

Yes can be harmful!

Have you ever experienced this awkward moment when you promised youself not to do just what you are doing? You just disappointed youself. You made the decision/promise with youself and broke the promise! You may think it's not a big deal but you need to take youself seriously on specific issues that can make or break you. Impressing others but you, is a danderous way to live. Impressive outside but a wreck inside is a total wreck and double sided living.

Jerry Bridges said, "Every time we say yes to temptation, we make it harder to say no the next time." In these deciding moments, don't listen to your body rather your spirit. Your old habit has a strong hold on your body. It has become your Habit Prisoner. That's the struggle addicts have to battle every day. Being firm with yourself is a starting point in the right direction to overcome your weakness. It's time to begin to hold youself accountable to not just another person but yourself. That's one of the best accountability you can have. Think about it.

Have a great day!

John Emmanuel

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