Thursday, 7 March 2013

Are You a Winner or a Champion?

Are you a winner or a champion?

Winning and losing is part of  life whether we accept it or not. In order to go up you have to give up also. It's that simple. Someone asked a question "Are you a winner or a champion?". This is not about losing or winning, its all about who you are and how you deal with adversities. So who are winners? ___ Winners are people who work hard and achieve the results they want, no matter what. They are Focused and all that matters is the end game mission accomplished. they know outcomes and leverage on principles like what most successful people do. This sounds good isn't it? In fact we want to be like these people.

Who is a Champion? A champion is a winner who isn't afraid of  losing or starting over again. A champion understands the dynamics of the game, he or she will always comeback no matter the obstacle. A champion looks beyond goals, they are visionaries. Champions are even more valuable when they have retired, they are always useful to their last breath, they don't give up, they have the mental stamina to withstand whatever is thrown at them. Champions are never forgotten! They have a longer perspective of thing and they always have Legacies behind them. Champions are Great individuals. Finally, they believe they have a higher calling.

Remain always a Champion.

John Emmanuel

Think On This Things

Think on this things!

There is nothing you have done, will do, or are doing in life that did not originate from your thoughts. Our thoughts are one of the most important cores of our life. You are the sum total of your thoughts. Your actions reveals your thoughts. Your thoughts speak through your words unconsciously. And the truth is,whoever, or whatsoever controls your thooughts controls your life. It's that simple. Everyone is investing to get control of your thought: God, satan, media and entertainment world, advert etc.

It has been said, almost 70,000 thoughts hit the mind of an average human everyday. Wow, that's amazing! Being able to sieve through these thought and decide which ones to entertain, dwell and meditate on is a very difficult task. Many have done stuff they regretted today because they didn't have a grip, control over their thought. Not every thought is worth thinking about. Like the Bible said, "fix your thought on what is true and honourable, right, and pure and lovely and admirable."

To your success,

John Emmanuel 

Yes can be Harmful!

Yes can be harmful!

Have you ever experienced this awkward moment when you promised youself not to do just what you are doing? You just disappointed youself. You made the decision/promise with youself and broke the promise! You may think it's not a big deal but you need to take youself seriously on specific issues that can make or break you. Impressing others but you, is a danderous way to live. Impressive outside but a wreck inside is a total wreck and double sided living.

Jerry Bridges said, "Every time we say yes to temptation, we make it harder to say no the next time." In these deciding moments, don't listen to your body rather your spirit. Your old habit has a strong hold on your body. It has become your Habit Prisoner. That's the struggle addicts have to battle every day. Being firm with yourself is a starting point in the right direction to overcome your weakness. It's time to begin to hold youself accountable to not just another person but yourself. That's one of the best accountability you can have. Think about it.

Have a great day!

John Emmanuel